
My Mama would be so proud

I did it! I successfully made two things without burning down the house. Well, neither item used the oven so it wasn't that hard. Tomorrow is my Christmas party at work and I signed up to bring Taco Dip (made by my roommates recipe) and Peppermint Bark (also learned to make from my roommate, she's Martha Stewart in a 23 year olds body).
I forgot to take a picture of step one of the Bark making but here it is pre-breaking into pieces.

And here it is all broken up and ready for the party!

Yummy taco dip. I only put olives on 80% of the dip because I know that there are some people that don't like them, this way the won't have to pick them off.

And finally, my sink. This was after some clean up.

Just two yummy reasons to look forward to the party tomorrow!

1 comment:

Art Teacher said...

Oh Baby Jill you're so domestic! I want some of that peppermint bark!