
I'm Sorry...

As you may know, I've been in the process of moving. Up and down stairs, in and out of doors, lifting, dropping, sweating... ugh! But, I think it's over... for now.

I just wanted to apologize for my lack of postings. I don't have internet at my new place and we're not allowed to put our pictures on our work computers, therefore, not allowing me to update.

We did go to the beach last week and had a blast. There are tons of pictures and as soon as possible, I will post them.

Until then...



Great Grapes

Wine festivals are my most favorite activity of all activites. You get to be outside all day, taste from over 20 different vineyards, and enjoy the company that you are with. Sunday afternoon, my sister, Jillian and I headed out to Oregon Ridge Park in Hunt Valley to bask in the sun and sip some sweet wine. It just happened to be the MOST GORGEOUS DAY God could have given us.

Eventually, the other Jill (the one who's in Lindsey's wedding) and some other friends met up with us. Obviously, I had to take the traditional picture.

Trying on hats is extremely entertaining. Here we are channeling our inner "Cousin Kev" as I told Carly.

Adam and I having some fun in the hat tent.

Towards the end of the day we ran into Matt, Ashley, Kerri and Mike, so we bought a few bottles of wine, spread out our blanket and danced to the music. Look at that sky!

This was Allie's idea to take this picture, but I'm glad that we did because I love it.

Oh and Dog the Bounty Hunter was there.

(Not really but Jill and Linds thought so.)

Another Goodbye

Yet another depressing weekend of saying goodbye to my precious roommate. Her friends who she's worked with for the past few years threw her a going away party down at their house in Canton. After having some pizza and a cocktail, we headed out to a bar called "Clutch".

Melissa, Me and Adam. (I don't look sad, but I am really, really sad)

Some of our Melting Pot friends came to wish her farewell. Weller, Adam, Melissa, Me and Melissa.

Me and my G.

Erica, Melissa and me trying desperately to make her stay in Maryland.

All in all, it was a great night. Even with the rain. We'll miss you Melissa!!!

Taylor Swift

Last Thursday, the 11th, I treated my sister and my roommate to the best birthday present ever... THE TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT! Tickets went on sale back in March, the weekend before Lindsey's birthday, so I called her best friend, Jill (who's father owns a ticketmaster distribution thing) and asked her if she'd like to come along and if her father could get us the tickets. Good thing she agreed because the show was sold out in less than 5 minutes! It was at Merriweather (where the Wine in the Woods took place) so we bought lawn seats. Unfortunately we couldn't see the stage AT ALL, but we had an amazing time watching the big tv and hearing her sing.
Me and Melissa (it was on her actuall birthday) tailgating.

With my Winsy.

Group shot of the girls enjoying the show. We had such an amazing time!

Yup, that's the best shot of the stage that I could get. Now you understand how crowded it was.


America's Next Top Models?

While at Melissa's graduation party (see post below), I stumbled upon her little cousins pool goggles that were left behind. Here is what it led to:







Feel free to laugh.


She's Leaving Me

Saturday, Michelle and I jumped in my car and headed to New Jersey. Good news: it was to celebrate my roommates graduation at a party her parents were throwing for her. Bad news: That means she's getting closer to leaving me :'(

Here is us girls posing poolside. (We're so cute!) Michelle, Me, Melissa (the roomie), Heather and Kate. My friends that I met on my first day of college. They'll be in my heart forever.

My roomie and me with sunglasses...

My Roomie and me without sunglasses.

Anj finally got there! I really love these girls. I'm so blessed.

This is Melissa's cousin, Clyde, in the green. He loved hanging out with us girls and thought he was the "Man". So here he is jumping into Ryan (Melissa's little brother) arms to brag that he got to hang out with us all night.

We had such a good time celebrating. And I only cried once in mourning of my roommate leaving me. I love her.